1. What's New!?

6.17.2024 - Concierge

Our newest update introduces Concierge, the new advantage to enhanced communications with your clients and the ability to craft automated workflows to market more efficiently.

What is Concierge?

Introducing Concierge: Your Ultimate Sales Ally!

Available in PatientNow Essentials.

We know how vital it is to promote your treatments and products, share useful information, and make it easy for clients to sign up for services through the most effective channels precisely when they're needed.

We understand that while client engagement is the cornerstone of sustained success, delivering unparalleled customer care remains a high priority. We acknowledge the time constraints your staff face, particularly when it comes to engaging in manual, time-consuming activities.

We present Concierge, your ultimate solution to this dilemma. With Concierge, you can effortlessly guide your clients along a tailored "Pathway," initiating an almost fully automated drip campaign leveraging the power of email, text, phone, and task reminders. Say goodbye to manual labor and hello to streamlined efficiency with Concierge by your side!
