
An overview of the RxPhoto mobile app integration

To get started using RxPhoto, please contact our Sales Team at 800.436.3150 or sales@patientnow.com.

RxPhoto is a photo management solution for your medspa business. RxPhoto allows you to capture, catalog and manage before and after photos of your patients and their progress. You will be able to take consistent medical photos with the on-screen templates guiding you along the way. You can also use the mobile app to offer educational content and customer-facing forms to your patients.

RxPhoto can be accessed as an add-on to your current medspa software account.

For more detailed information about RxPhoto, please visit their website at rxphoto.com.


📱Download RxPhoto on your Device

👨‍💻First Login to RxPhoto

📎Link Your Medspa Software to RxPhoto

🔁Integrates with Your Medspa Software

👱Locate RxPhoto Images in Your Medspa Software

📋Locate RxPhoto Forms in Your Medspa Software

More information from RxPhoto: 

⌨️Create Account Sign In

🙍Create a New Client on RxPhoto app

👨‍⚕️Search for a Patient on RxPhoto app

📸Capture Photos from RxPhoto app

📝Forms on RxPhoto app

How to integrate RxPhoto with Your Medspa Software

1. Press on the gray "Integrations/EMR" button.


2. Press "PatientNow Essentials"
3. Press "Done" in the top right corner.
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4. Log in using your log in credentials, including your PatientNow Essentials username, password, and company ID. 

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Integrates with Your Medspa Software

When you link RxPhoto to your medspa software account, your client database will integrate into the mobile app and you will be able to access each client record as needed. Each client record stored with PatientNow Essentials can be accessed through RxPhoto by searching the client's last name on the mobile app. Any photos or records captured on the RxPhoto mobile app will integrate into your medspa software account and become accessible through client records. 

How to Locate RxPhoto Images in Your Medspa Software

You can access RxPhoto images by clicking the Client Images button. This can be found in the Client Record or in the client's Treatment Screen. 

Client > Client List > Specific Client > Client Images

rxphoto client images

Treatment Record > Client Images

rxphoto client images treatment

Here is an example of how the photos will appear in PatientNow Essentials.

rxphoto image examples

How to Locate RxPhoto Forms in Your Medspa Software

Additionally, you can also access forms completed from the RxPhoto app in your PatientNow Essentials account. Under the same client screen or treatment screen, you can select documents and review any completed RxPhoto forms on this page.

Client > Client List > Specific Client > Documents

rxphotos client docs

Treatment Record > Docs > Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the document/form you want to review.  

rxphotos docs

The form will open in a separate window. 

rxphotos doc example

To learn more about RxForms, please check out our article.

To learn how to use RxPhoto in depth or if you have questions about troubleshooting RxPhoto, check out their comprehensive knowledge base.

RxPhoto medspa post