Setup Company Settings

The basic Company Settings we recommend to setup before you use start using Envision

Here are a few of our most commonly used preferences/settings that we highly suggest to  complete before you start using the program. These settings will control majority of your screens in EnvisionNow.

All of your Company Settings are up to you and will depend on how you want to run your business. These are just our suggestions! 😊

Refer to Company Settings in our Knowledge Base to learn more details on the specific setting you are looking for. 

Make sure to click the Save Settings button at the top next to the Company Settings Heading before you move on to another tab or else any change or modification will not be saved. 

save settings button

Hover over the Menu gear on the upper right hand corner of Envision. Select Company Settings from the menu. 

Menu > Company Settings

Company Info

This tab is where you can input you Company's basic information like your name, address, time zone, days and hours of operation, and more!

company settings time zonecompany settings hours

company settings branding options

General Options

To learn more about the General Options tab under Company Settings, check out this article.

company settings general options

Tax Setup

Set your tax rates by checking which items are taxable and entering the correct tax rates in the fields to the right. The tax rate should be entered as a whole number. For example, if your tax rate is 7%, this should be entered as 7.000.

The Rate 2 and Rate 3 fields are for city or county taxes.

Entering these individual tax rates will allow you to pull reports with each rate separated into their own totals!

Don't forget to click Save Settings!

company settings tax setup

If you need more help with the setup for tax rates, check out this article.

Sales Register Options

Sales Register Options - General Options Settings

Sales Register Options - Payment Types

Sales Register Options - Receipt Options

Sales Register Options - Review Options

Credit Card Integration

Credit Card Processing 

Schedule Options

We recommend to check the follow options:

✔️Use qualified services when booking appointments under Booking Options

✔️Allow booking in shop closed / employee off times (if you wish to allow) under Booking Options.

✔️Available times are based on employee work schedule (if unchecked, everyone is available during business hours) under Display Options.

Checking this box determines how appointments will book in Envision:

  • If you occasionally book appointments before or after regular business hours and want these appointments to be visible without clicking the Show 24 hours button, set your Company hours longer than your actual business hours.
    show 24 hours
  • Checking this option will only allow your clients to book appointments when your employees have availability, not based on your company hours.
  • Unchecking this box will allow customers to book appointments based on your company hours, not you employee schedules.

✔️Stretch columns to fit schedule under Display Options.

company settings booking options-1

company settings display optionns

Online Booking

As an optional step, you can set up your Online Booking Features, your Online Booking/Customer Portal, and Appointment Reminder Settings so you don't have to worry about them later on!

company settings booking options 1

Appt Reminder

Appointment Confirmation/Reminder Setup


Memberships tab

Security Options

Security Options tab


Support tab under Company Settings


Integrations tab